Nancy Hollander: Lawyers have great power [Soon also in Romania, exclusively on]

Alina Matei

Nancy Hollander

Alina Matei: I would like to thank, esteemed attorney Nancy Hollander, for the time you have allocated for our readers. At the end of May, you will be conducting a masterclass organized by at the Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest. This is a first for the Romanian legal community, which we hope will benefit more and more legal professionals. Why did you choose the profession of attorney?

Nancy Hollander: That is a long story. I had been working with lawyers and people accused of crimes or mistreated by the police. It was the logical next step.

Alina Matei: Please tell us, what are in your opinion the three most important qualities that a lawyer should have, in general?

Nancy Hollander: A good lawyer will be a good listener, someone willing to never give up in the search for justice for the client, and someone who is always honest and ethical.

Alina Matei: How is the perception of and treatment towards lawyers by authorities – police,…

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