Cluj-Napoca mayor Boc gets re-elected with 42pct of the votes

The mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc, got re-elected, with 42.50% of the votes, according to the final results communicated on Tuesday by the Cluj-Napoca Municipal Electoral Bureau.

Raking second in this race was independent Sabin Sarmas, with 29.41%, Olah Emese (UDMR – the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania) – 9.35%, Viorel Baltaretu (ADU – United Right Alliance) – 5.89%, Aurelia Cristea (PSD – Social Democratic Party) – 4.56%, Calin Cozma (AUR – Alliance for the Union of Romanians) – 3.55%, Ramona Strugariu (REPER) – 2.81%, Sorin Vamos…

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